Blaine Rare hung low

Anatomically Correct Male Doll



Anatomically Correct

Nude Male Doll

This is a gorgeous Blaine doll from the Ken and Barbie collection of dolls. He has been customized with male genitalia and hair down below. He is so much more gorgeous looking with his parts put back on. He is so stunning. He is being sold nude and stunning. He has the most gorgeous face with big lips and big green eyes. He is a real conversation piece. He reminds me a little of Johnny Weissmuller as Tarzan. Only he does not wear a loin cloth. He was a new doll just taken out of the box. I did the customization on him and put him in a box ready to ship.

He has never been played with or displayed. You just have to have this one.




 ITEM # MD195
Price: Sold
 Shipping: Based on 1 pound In the USA. $5.00


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